Private & Duet Pilates Equipment Sessions

Available by appointment at our studio space:

49 Galloway Street, Waynesville, NC 28786

Waynesville Pilates Current Studio Space


We love helping people find joy, relief, and confidence through healthy movement. Our range of clients includes professional dancers, athletes, peri-natal women, people in search of chronic pain relief, and folks experiencing complicated injuries and health conditions.


Private Equipment Sessions:

At Waynesville Pilates, Private Sessions generally lie somewhere between personal training and physical therapy, with an emphasis on core strength and resilience. You'll be guided through a well-rounded series of exercises and stretches, which may be prescriptively catered toward your body’s needs. We use equipment including the reformer, cadillac, and chair, along with smaller props such as small barrels, foam rollers, physioballs, magic circles, and thera-bands. Every Private Session is thoughtfully crafted to address each person's specific needs and goals, allowing each individual to progress at his or her own pace.

Duet Equipment Sessions:

Pilates equipment sessions for two people… the next best thing to a Private Session! If you don't have a Pilates buddy, but you are interested in Duet Equipment Sessions, let us know and we'll do our best to match you up with someone!  We'll use the reformer, cadillac, and chair, along with smaller props such as small barrels, foam rollers, physioballs, magic circles, and thera-bands to address the needs and goals of both clients.

*Each client must be cleared to begin duet sessions in order to ensure safety and familiarity with the equipment.  For brand-new clients, 1-3 private equipment sessions should be sufficient.


Connect to your body on a deeper level…

Whether your goal is to reduce pain, increase physical power, or age gracefully, Pilates can set you on a track toward meaningful progress.